羅十二2 『不要模倣這世代,反要藉著心思的更新而變化,叫你們驗證何為神那美好、可喜悅、並純全的旨意。』
加三26 『因為你們眾人藉著相信基督耶穌,都是神的兒子。』
WEEK 19 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed
by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect.
Gal. 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
mind is the leading part of our soul, and as it is renewed, our will
and emotion are automatically renewed. To have Christ formed in us is to
have the three parts of our soul—our mind, emotion, and will—renewed.
To have our mind, emotion, and will renewed is to have Christ saturate
our mind, emotion, and will. To be renewed is to replace the self and
the world in our mind, emotion, and will with Christ. If we are renewed
in this way, Christ will be formed in us, and every part of our inner
being…will bear the image of Christ.
most of us do not yet bear the image of Christ in our mind, emotion,
and will. At times we may think noble thoughts, but frequently in our
daily life our mind may express the self with the world. We may love,
laugh, and weep by the self, rather than by Christ; this indicates that
Christ has not been formed in our emotion. Many times when Christians
speak, their speaking is full of the self and the element of the
world…We can never be an expression of Christ until He saturates our
entire inner being, replacing the self and the world in our soul with
Himself. (The Conclusion of the New
Testament, pp. 3313-3314)
Today's Reading
to Paul’s usage in the New Testament, the word form refers to the
outward expression of the inner being (Phil. 2:6)…If we are full of the
self and love the world in our inner being, our outward form will be the
self and the world. The choices we make in our daily living will
express the self and the world…The Galatians were occupied by Judaism;
thus, in their outward form they expressed Judaism. Therefore, Paul had
to suffer like a mother, travailing for the Galatians until Christ would
replace the self and the world in them with Himself.
Christ to be formed in us, we need to let Him occupy every part of our
soul: our mind, emotion, and will. He should occupy our thinking, our
consideration, our love, our hatred, our happiness, our sorrow, and our
intention. As Christ increasingly saturates our soul, eventually He will
invade our body, dispensing Himself into our entire being.
needs to be formed in us in order that we may be sons of full age and
heirs to inherit God’s promised blessing and that we may mature in the
divine sonship. He matures in us for us to be heirs (Gal. 3:29) for the
full enjoyment of the Triune God as our inheritance (Eph. 1:14; 1 Pet.
1:4). The Holy Spirit is the pledge of this inheritance (Eph. 1:13b-14a).
book of Galatians reveals that God’s intention is for Christ to be
wrought into His chosen people that they may become sons of God. In
order to be God’s sons, we need to be permeated and saturated with
Christ. Christ must occupy our entire being. The Galatians, however,
were distracted from Christ to the law…The believers should come back to
Christ, who is both the seed who fulfills God’s promise to Abraham and
the good land, the allinclusive Spirit, to be our enjoyment. As
believers in Christ, we need the full enjoyment of this blessing, the
full enjoyment of the life-giving Spirit. We need to be saturated, possessed, and fully taken over by this Spirit.
has been born in us; that is, He has been revealed in us. He is now
living in us, and He will be formed in us unto maturity…May the Lord
bring us into the experience and enjoyment of Christ who has been born
in us, is now living in us, and will be formed in us unto maturity in
order that we may be sons of full age, heirs of God’s promised blessing,
and may mature in the divine sonship. (The Conclusion of the New
Testament, pp. 3314- 3315)
Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 330