在申命記十章十二節, 摩西也囑咐百姓要愛神。…神自己設立愛的榜樣,鍾情於祂的百姓。…現今我們該愛神,鍾情於祂。…摩西說到全心全魂愛神並事奉祂。我們的心聯於我們的靈,因爲良心屬於靈,也是心的一部分。因此,我們全心全魂愛神並事奉神,指明我們也用靈愛神並事奉神。
參讀: 申命記生命讀經, 第三、五至八、
WEEK 2 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
10:12 And now, O Israel, what does Jehovah your God ask of you except
that you fear Jehovah your God so that you would walk in all His ways
and love Him and serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all
your soul.
20 You shall fear Jehovah your God; Him shall you serve and to Him
shall you hold fast and by His name shall you swear.
Deuteronomy 10:12-22 Moses charged the children of Israel concerning
nine matters: fearing Jehovah their God, walking in all His ways, loving
Him, serving Him with all their heart and all their soul, keeping His
commandments and statutes for their good, circumcising the foreskin of
their heart, not being stiff-necked any longer, holding fast to Him, and
swearing by His name, who is their praise and their God.
Moses speaks here of fearing God. We all must have a proper fear of
God. However, it seems that today many people, claiming that they are
free, do not fear anything or anyone, including God. This lack of fear
is terrible; it is the source of all kinds of lawlessness. The young
people should recognize that, according to God’s ordination, there is
authority in the family, in society, and in the church. In whatever we
do, say, and think, we all need to fear God. He is observing us and
knows where we are and what we are doing. Eventually, we will reap a
harvest from what we sow, and we will eat the fruit of this harvest.
(Life-study of Deuteronomy, pp. 60-61)
Today’s Reading
we fear God, we will walk in His ways. God’s ways are actually what God
is. This means that whatever God is, is a way to us. God is love, and
this love is a way in which we should walk.
Lord Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6). Since the Lord Jesus is
the very God, this word indicates that God Himself is the way. To take
what God is as our ways and to walk in these ways is to live God. When
we take Christ as our way, we live Him in what He is. He is humble, and
we should live in the way of humility. He is the One who always takes
the cross, and we should walk in the way of the cross. To take Christ as
our way is to live Him, and to live Him is to express Him, to manifest
Him, and even to magnify Him. Hence, to walk in God’s ways is to live
God, express God, manifest God, and magnify God. We should take God as our way and thus act as He acts.
In Deuteronomy 10:12 Moses also charged the people to love God…God Himself has set an example of loving by setting His affection on His people…Now we should love God by setting our affection on Him…Moses speaks of loving and serving God with all our heart and with all our soul. Our heart is linked to our spirit, for our conscience, which
is of our spirit, is also a part of our heart. Thus, to love and serve
God with all our heart and soul indicates that we love and serve Him
also with our spirit.
10:13 Moses went on to say, “So that you would keep the commandments of
Jehovah and His statutes, which I am commanding you today, for your
good.” Instead of “for your good,” we could also say “that you may be
blessed.” Today we need to keep Christ and the riches of Christ which
have been ministered to us so that we may be blessed.
continued his charge by saying, “Circumcise then the foreskin of your
heart, and do not be stiff-necked any longer” (v. 16). Because the
children of Israel were a peculiar people to God, His treasure, they
were required to cleanse themselves, to circumcise the unclean thing in
their heart.
verse 20 Moses says, “…Him shall you serve and to Him shall you hold
fast and by His name shall you swear.” Today we must hold fast to the
Lord Jesus. In holding fast to Him, we may say, “Lord, I will not let
You go. You must live for me.”…This verse…speaks…also of swearing by His
name. I believe that for the children of Israel to swear by the Lord’s
name was to call on His name…Today we all need to hold fast to the Lord
Jesus and call on His name. (Life-study of Deuteronomy, pp. 61-63)
Further Reading: Life-study of Deuteronomy, msgs. 3, 5-8, 28, 30