



申十六16 ~ 17『你一切的男丁,要在除酵節、七七節、住棚節,一年三次,在耶和華你神所選擇的地方朝見祂。他們不可空手朝見耶和華;各人要按自己的力量,照耶和華你神所賜的福,奉獻禮物。』








WEEK 11 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Deut. 16:16-17 Three times a year all your males shall appear before Jehovah your God in the place which He will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. And they shall not appear before Jehovah empty-handed; each man shall give as he is able to give, according to the blessing of Jehovah your God, which He has given you.

Whenever the people of God came to worship God, they were commanded not to come with their hands empty. They had to come with their hands full of the surplus of the produce of the good land…The people put aside at least three portions of one-tenth (Deut. 16:16)…of the produce they obtained from the good land, not for their own living but for the purpose of worshipping God. In this way, whenever they came together to worship God, they brought a surplus of the produce of the good land to God.

The surplus of the produce of the good land typifies Christ, and the way to have the surplus is to labor on Christ…You can be brought into the good land, but if you are lazy, you will have no surplus. Rather, you will be a beggar. If we are diligent and industrious to labor on the land that God allotted to us, we will have much produce from this rich land. This produce will be enough not only for us to live on but also for us to have a surplus. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 4, “Serving in the Meetings and in the Gospel,” pp. 76-77)

Today’s Reading

The surplus is the first tenth, not the last tenth. The Israelites had to separate every first lamb and every first tenth of the produce for the Lord. This typifies that after being brought into Christ, we need to labor on Christ, to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to live by Christ. Some may say that we should not use the word labor, because today is the dispensation of grace; they say everything is of grace, not of works. There is no doubt that the good land given to us is a grace. The sunshine, the air, the early rain, and the latter rain are also a grace. However, we still have to till the ground. We cannot say that grace will till the ground for us; grace will never do that. From the very beginning of the Scriptures, after Adam was created, man had to till the ground. We need to till the ground, sow the seed, and reap the harvest. Grace
will not do these things for us. We cannot bring rain down from heaven… That is truly something of grace. Sunshine, air, rain, and the rich soil are all of grace. However, we must realize that we all have our responsibility.

Every morning we have to rise up early. Not one farmer can be lazy; everyone has to rise up early in the morning. If we do not rise early in the morning to spend a little time with Christ, I am certain that when we come to the meeting, we will have nothing in our hand. We will come to the meeting with empty hands. We need to rise up a little earlier, contact the Lord, read the Word, and pray a little to till the ground, sow the seed, and reap the harvest.

Day by day we must rise up early to spend some time with the Lord; this is our labor. We have to pray; this is our labor. We also have to exercise our spirit to contact the Lord throughout the whole day; this also is our labor. Moreover, we must deal with many enemies, including the flesh, the self, and the environment. Even our family, friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, classmates, and roommates are problems we have to deal with. We also have to preach the gospel and learn to help others. All these are items of the labor we should have. If we labor in all these ways, we will have the rich produce of Christ our good land. Then when we come to the meeting, we will come with our hands full of the riches of Christ. Because day and night we labor on Christ, we will have a rich produce that is not only good enough for us to live in Christ and by Christ but also good enough for us to come to worship God. In this way, when we come to God, we come with Christ. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 4, “Serving in the Meetings and in the Gospel,” pp. 77-78)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1964, vol. 4, “Serving in the Meetings and in the Gospel,” ch. 1; CWWL, 1979, vol. 2, “The Genuine Ground of Oneness,” ch. 5




