
第七週   認識升天



讀經:徒二36,來二9,四14 ~ 15,七26,十二2,弗一19 ~ 23,二6


壹 人救主的升天乃是祂經過創造、成爲肉體、人性生活、釘十字架與復活的過程,是神也是人,是創造主也是受造者,又是救贖主、救主、以及賜生命的靈,就職進入屬天的職任,以執行神的行政,並完成神新約的經綸。

貳 我們需要看見主的升天客觀的一面:

一 主的升天使祂得了榮耀尊貴爲冠冕—來二9:

1 榮耀是指與耶穌人位有關的榮美;尊貴是指與耶穌價值有關的珍貴—彼前二7。

2 基督的光景是榮耀的,位分是尊貴的;祂在一切君王和執政者之上,這是祂的尊貴。

二 主的升天使祂爲着神的行政登上了寶座;希伯來十二章二節說,基督現今坐在神寶座的右邊:

1 神在基督裏坐在寶座上這個事實,表明神是從基督裏面,並藉着基督執政管理整個宇宙,就像光從燈裏面並藉着燈照耀—啓二二1,3,參二一23。

2 基督現今在寶座上,執政管理整個宇宙;祂是獨一的執政管理者,是萬王之王,萬主之主;祂是地上君王的元首—一5,十七14,十九16。

3 祂的執政管理與宇宙有關,但祂完成神新約的經綸,乃是繁殖祂自己,使祂得着複製,以建造召會,就是祂的身體,結果乃是新耶路撒冷—參徒五31。


三 『以色列全家當確實的知道,你們釘在十字架上的這位耶穌,神已經立祂爲主爲基督了』;(二36;)這節的『立』可以領會成使其就職之意;在基督升天時,神使祂就職進入祂屬天的職事:

1 人救主在祂的升天裏已經被立爲主,來得着萬有;祂現今是主,爲要得着整個宇宙、神所揀選的人、以及一切正面的人、事、物。

2 人救主在祂的升天裏被立爲基督,作神的受膏者,(來一9,)來完成神的使命。

四 我們現今與在復活和升天裏的基督是一;(弗二6;)結果,我們有復活裏的生命和能力,也有升天裏的權柄;我們接觸我們的主時,需要認識祂的所是,認識祂的身分、地位和職任。


叁 我們需要看見主的升天主觀的一面—參詩九一1,歌四7 ~ 8,六10:

一 基督在祂超越一切的升天裏超越陰間(拘留死人的地方)、地(墮落之人行動反對神的地方)、空中(撒但和他黑暗權勢行事抵擋神的地方)、和諸天(撒但能去的地方)—弗一20 ~ 21,四8 ~ 10,來七26,伯一6 ~ 12 上,二1 ~ 6。

二 基督在祂的升天裏經過了諸天,(來四14,)所以現今不僅在天上,(九24,)更是高過諸天,(七26,)遠超諸天之上。(弗四10。)

三 以弗所一章十九至二十三節啓示從升天的基督向着我們有一種傳輸;二十二節說,神使基督『向着召會作萬有的頭』;『向着召會』這辭指明從升天的基督向着召會,祂的身體,有一種傳輸:

1 神賜給升天的基督一個大恩賜—作萬有的頭;神使基督作頭,乃是向着召會,傳輸給召會;召會一同分享這件事。

2 二十至二十二節給我們看見,神使祂的能力在基督身上運行,有四個步驟:第一,使基督從死人中復活;第二,叫祂在諸天界裏,坐在自己的右邊;第三,將萬有服在祂的腳下;第四,使祂向着召會作萬有的頭。

四 基督在祂的升天裏作了祂身體召會的頭,在祂的豐滿裏彰顯神—西一18,弗一23,三19:

1 頭與身體乃是一,形成一個宇宙人;對於這神聖的事,沒有空間的因素,也沒有時間的因素;身體與頭在神聖的生命和神聖的靈裏乃是一。

2 按照神聖的觀點,我們與升天的基督乃是一,祂的升天也就是我們的升天;(二6;)在這升天裏,我們在祂的豐滿裏彰顯祂;因着超越的基督乃是三一神的具體化身,(西二9,)所以祂超越的輸供包括了三一神的一切豐富分賜,使我們成爲基督的豐滿,使祂得彰顯。(弗一22 ~ 23,三19,8。)


五 基督在祂的升天裏,也作了在諸天裏的大祭司,在神面前擔負我們,並照顧我們一切的需要;祂在升天裏就職進入祂的祭司職任—來二17 ~ 18,四14 ~ 15,詩一一○ 1 ~ 4,來五6,七26:

1 一面,基督是大祭司,在諸天裏爲眾召會代求;(25 ~ 26,羅八34;)另一面,祂是大祭司,在眾召會裏行動,照顧眾召會;啓示錄一章十三節描述基督爲大祭司,就如祂的長袍所顯示的,這長袍直垂到腳,乃是祭司袍。(出二八33 ~ 35。)

2 啓示錄八章啓示基督是把香獻在金壇上的祭司:『另一位天使拿着金香爐,來站在祭壇旁邊,有許多香賜給祂,好同眾聖徒的禱告獻在寶座前的金壇上。』(3。)


肆 我們需要看見我們是在主的升天裏—弗二6:

一 整個恩典時代乃是主升天的時期—一20。

二 基督不僅在升天裏,也在我們裏面—西一27。

三 基督仍然在祂的升天裏行動;祂是在祂的升天裏生活、居住、住留、盡職、事奉、作工並行事:

1 祂在我們裏面,乃是在祂的升天裏;這就是爲甚麼保羅告訴我們,我們是與基督一同坐在祂的升天裏—弗二6。

2 在我們全人裏有一個不平凡的人位,就是升天的基督—西一27,弗二6。

3 主今天乃是在祂的升天裏而在我們靈裏—提後四22 上。

4 在這升天裏,三一神在我們裏面行動,這行動成了我們的歷史。

5 基督是三一神的具體化身,而我們是這具體化身在祂升天裏的各部分—羅八10,林後十三5,加二20,四19,西二9。

6 每當我們聚集到祂的名裏,基督就與所有祂在升天裏的肢體同在,這就是神在人裏的行動—太十八20,西三1,3 ~ 4,弗一20,二6。

Week Seven

Knowing the Ascension

Hymns: 132

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:36; Heb. 2:9; 4:14-15; 7:26; 12:2; Eph. 1:19-23; 2:6

§ Day 1

I. The Man-Saviors ascension is His inauguration into His heavenly office through the process of creation, incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection as God and man, as the Creator and the creature, and as the Redeemer, the Savior, and the life-giving Spirit, to execute Gods administration and to carry out Gods New Testament economy.

II. We need to see the objective aspect of the Lords ascension:

A. The Lords ascension caused Him to be crowned with glory and honor— Heb. 2:9:

1. Glory is the splendor related to Jesus person; honor is the preciousness related to Jesus worth—1 Pet. 2:7.

2. Christ is glorious in state and honorable in rank; He is above all kings and rulers; this is His honor.

B. The Lords ascension caused Him to be enthroned for Gods administration; Hebrews 12:2 says that Christ is now seated on the right hand of the throne of God:

1. The fact that God in Christ is sitting on the throne means that God administrates
the entire universe from within Christ and through Christ, just as the light shines from within the lamp and through the lamp—Rev. 22:1, 3; cf. 21:23.

2. Christ is now on the throne to administrate the entire universe; He is the unique Administrator, the King of kings and the Lord of lords; He is the Ruler of the kings of the earth—1:5; 17:14; 19:16.

3. His administrating is related to the universe, but His carrying out of Gods New
Testament economy is to propagate Himself for His reproduction to build up the church, His Body, which will issue in the New Jerusalem—cf. Acts 5:31.

§ Day 2

C. "Let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified" (2:36); in this verse the word made can be understood to mean "inaugurated"; in His ascension God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry:

1. The Man-Savior, in His ascension, has been made the Lord to possess all; He is now the Lord to possess the whole universe, Gods chosen people, and all positive things, matters, and persons.

2. The Man-Savior, in His ascension, was made the Christ as Gods Anointed (Heb.
1:9) to carry out Gods commission.

D. We are now one with Christ in His resurrection and ascension (Eph. 2:6); as a result, we have life and power in resurrection and also authority in ascension; when we contact our Lord, we need to have a realization of what He is, a realization of His status, position, and office.

§ Day 3 & Day 4

III. We need to see the subjective aspect of the Lords ascension— cf. Psa. 91:1; S. S. 4:7-8; 6:10:

A. Christ in His all-transcending ascension transcended Hades (where the dead people are being held), the earth (where the fallen people are moving against God), the air (where Satan and his power of darkness are acting against God), and all the heavens (where Satan can go—Eph. 1:20-21; 4:8-10; Heb. 7:26; Job 1:6-12a; 2:1-6).

B. In His ascension Christ passed through the heavens (Heb. 4:14) so that now He is not only in heaven (9:24) but is also higher than the heavens (7:26), far above all the heavens (Eph. 4:10).

C. Ephesians 1:19-23 reveals that there is a transmission from the ascended Christ to us; verse 22 says that God gave Christ "to be Head over all things to the church"; the phrase to the church indicates a transmission from the ascended Christ to the church, His Body:

1. God gave the ascended Christ a great gift—the headship over all things; what God gave Christ to be is to the church; it is transmitted to the church, and the church shares it.

2. Verses 20 through 22 show that God caused His power to operate in Christ in four steps: first, raising Him from the dead; second, seating Him at His right hand in the heavenlies; third, subjecting all things under His feet; and fourth, giving Him to be Head over all things to the church.

D. In His ascension Christ was made the Head of the church, His Body, to express God in His fullness—Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:23; 3:19:

1. The Head and the Body are one and form a universal man; with this divine matter there is neither the element of space nor the element of time; the Body is one with the Head in the divine life and in the divine Spirit.

2. According to the divine viewpoint, we are one with the ascended Christ, and His ascension is also ours (2:6); here in this ascension we express Him in His fullness; since the transcending Christ is the embodiment of the Triune God (Col. 2:9), His transcending transmission includes all the rich dispensing of the Triune God to make us the fullness of Christ for His expression (Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19, 8).

§ Day 5

E. In His ascension Christ was also made the High Priest in the heavens to bear us in the presence of God and to care for all our needs; in His ascension He was inaugurated into His priestly office—Heb. 2:17-18; 4:14-15; Psa. 110:1-4; Heb. 5:6; 7:26:

1. On the one hand, Christ is the High Priest interceding in the heavens for the churches (vv. 25-26; Rom. 8:34); on the other hand, He is the High Priest moving in the churches to care for them; in Revelation 1:13 Christ is depicted as the High Priest, as shown by His garment, a garment reaching to the feet, that is, a priestly robe (Exo. 28:33-35).

2. In Revelation 8 Christ is revealed as the Priest offering the incense at the golden altar: "Another Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and much incense was given to Him to offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne" (v. 3).

§ Day 6

IV. We need to see that we are in the Lords ascension—Eph. 2:6:

A. The entire age of grace is the time of the Lords ascension—1:20.

B. Christ is not only in ascension but also in us—Col. 1:27.

C. Christ is still moving in His ascension; He is living, dwelling, staying, ministering, serving, working, and acting in His ascension:

1. He is in His ascension within us; this is why Paul tells us that we are seated together with Christ in His ascension—Eph. 2:6.

2. Within our being, there is an extraordinary person—the ascended Christ— Col. 1:27; Eph. 2:6.

3. The Lord today is in our spirit in His ascension—2 Tim. 4:22a.

4. In this ascension the Triune God moves in us, and this move becomes our history.

5. Christ is the embodiment of the Triune God, and we are parts of this embodiment in His ascension—Rom. 8:10; 2 Cor. 13:5; Gal. 2:20; 4:19; Col. 2:9.

6. Whenever we are gathered together into His name, Christ is there with all His members in ascension, and this is Gods move within man—Matt. 18:20; Col. 3:1, 3-4; Eph. 1:20; 2:6.



