
 第一週 · 週五



太九16 再者,沒有人用未漂過的布作補帄,補在舊衣服上,因為所補上的,會扯破那衣服,裂縫就更大了。

路五36 耶穌又對他們講一個比喻:沒有人把新衣服撕下一塊作補帄,補在舊衣服上;不然,就把新的撕破了,並且那從新的撕下來的補帄,和舊的也不相稱。






WEEK 1 — DAY 5


Morning Nourishment

Matt. 9:16 No one puts a patch of unfulled cloth on an old garment, for that which fills it up pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear is made.

Luke 5:36 And He also spoke a parable to them: No one tears a patch from a new garment and puts it on an old garment; otherwise, he will tear the new garment, and also the patch from the new will not match the old.

In Matthew 9:16 the Lord continued with something even finer, sweeter, and more intimate…The Greek word translated “unfulled”…means “uncarded,” “unfulled,” “unfinished,” “unshrunk,” “untreated.” The unfulled cloth signifies Christ from His incarnation to His crucifixion, as a piece of new cloth, untreated, unfinished; whereas the new garment in Luke 5:36 signifies Christ as a new robe, after He was “treated” in His crucifixion. (The Greek word for new in Luke 5:36 is kainos, the same as the word for fresh in Matthew 9:17.) Christ first was the unfulled cloth for making a new garment,  and then through His death and resurrection He was made a new garment to cover us as our righteousness before God that we might be justified by God and acceptable to Him (Luke 15:22; Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor. 1:30)…To sew a patch of unfulled cloth on an old garment means to imitate what Christ did in His human life on earth. This is what today’s modernists are attempting to do. They only imitate Jesus’ human deeds to improve their behavior; they do not believe in the crucified Jesus as their Redeemer or in the resurrected Christ as their new garment to cover them as their righteousness before God. (Life- study of Matthew, 2nd ed., pp. 319-320)

Today’s Reading

The old garment in Matthew 9:16 signifies man’s good behavior, good deeds, and religious practices produced by man’s old, natural life. The Lord Jesus was very wise. In verse 16 He did not say, “You disciples of John must realize that your garments are torn and full of holes. By fasting you are actually cutting a piece of unfulled cloth and using it to patch the holes in your garments.” Instead of saying this directly, the Lord Jesus indicated to the disciples of John that they did not have a perfect garment. He indicated that their garments had holes and that by fasting they were trying to patch the holes. No human being could utter such a word as that spoken by the Lord Jesus in verse 16. His wise word was full of meaning, rebuke, revelation, and instruction. The Lord was saying…, “Why do you ask Me about fasting? Your fasting is a way of patching your torn garment. By your fasting you show that you realize that you have holes in your garments that need to be mended… You are utilizing Me to patch your holes…You are cutting a piece from My unfulled cloth to mend the holes in your garments. But My cloth is full of shrinking power. Don’t put any part of it on your old torn garments. If you do, the hole will become larger.”

The account in Luke 5:36 is somewhat different from that in Matthew 9:16…Notice that Matthew says “cloth” and that Luke says “garment.” The Lord Jesus likened Himself to a piece of unfulled cloth. This points to what He was between His incarnation and His crucifixion. During this period of time He was unfulled cloth, new cloth that had never been fulled or dealt with. Through His death and resurrection this “new cloth” was dealt with and was made a “new garment.” The Lord’s intention was to give Himself to us not as a piece of unfulled cloth but as a complete, finished garment that we might put on as our righteousness to be justified before God. After His death and resurrection He was made the finished garment for us to put on so that we may attend His wedding. Thus, He is not only the Bridegroom but also our wedding garment that qualifies us to attend His wedding feast. We as sinners and tax collectors need to be clothed in a new garment so that we may be worthy of the Bridegroom’s presence. (Life-study of Matthew, 2nd ed., pp. 320-322)

Further Reading: Life-study of Matthew, msg. 28




