



出三十23 ~24『你要取上好的香料,就是流質的沒藥五百舍客勒,香肉桂一半,就是二百五十舍客勒,香菖蒲二百五十舍客勒,桂皮五百舍客勒,…又取橄欖油一欣。』

約壹二 20『你們有從那聖者來的膏油塗抹,並且你們眾人都知道。』




出埃及三十章裏所說到複合的膏〔乃是豫表〕,…啓示…複合的施膏之靈調着獨一的神作基本元素,就是基督的神性,由一欣的橄欖油所豫表。(24 下。)(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,一九三、一九六頁。)


複合的施膏之靈調着神的神聖三一,由三個五百舍客勒單位的香料所豫表。(出三十 23 ~ 24 上。)這三個五百舍客勒單位中間的一個,分成兩個各爲二百五十舍客勒的單位;這表徵神聖三一的第二者在十字架上被裂開,被釘死。

複合的施膏之靈也調着基督的人性,由四種香料所豫表。…那靈調着基督的死及其殺死的功效,由沒藥和香肉桂所豫表。(23 上。)…由菖蒲和桂皮所豫表(23 下~ 24 上)之基督的復活及其驅逐的能力,也是複合的施膏之靈的元素。菖蒲是一種從沼澤地或淤泥地往上生長的蘆葦,所以表徵主耶穌從死亡之地起來。桂皮在古代用作驅除蟲蛇的驅蟲劑,因此表徵基督復活的驅逐能力。

以上所有元素調在一起,就製造成爲一種膏油,爲着膏抹一切與敬拜神有關的人與物。(25 ~ 30,林後一 21,約壹二 20,27。)

在新約裏,我們看見複合的施膏之靈作聖靈運行,印塗基督的信徒。(弗一 13,四 30 下,林後一 22上。)印塗的意思就是塗抹。…那靈是活的印,用神聖的元素浸透我們。我們必須禱告說,『主阿,求你不要只印我一次,乃要一直的浸透我。我需要你的印塗,我需要你的浸透。』當我們憑那靈活着,我們就感覺有一樣東西在我們裏面浸透我們,而那個浸透就是繼續不斷的印塗。這印塗將經過過程之三一神的神聖元素,分賜到信徒裏面,並用這元素浸透他們。這印塗也將信徒變化成爲神的基業。(弗一 11。)

『主靈』是個複合的名稱,(林後三 18,)指那是靈的基督。…『是靈的基督』指基督是那靈;基督和那靈不是分開的二者,祂們乃是一。主靈就是那是靈的基督。



WEEK 8 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Exo. 30:23-24 You also take the finest spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred fifty shekels, and of fragrant calamus two hundred fifty shekels, and of cassia five hundred shekels,…and a hin of olive oil.

1 John 2:20 And you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know.

If we do not know the Spirit thoroughly, we cannot have a proper, normal Christian life. The normal Christian life depends upon our knowing and experiencing the Spirit.

A further aspect of the Spirit in the New Testament…is the compound anointing Spirit typified by the compound ointment in Exodus 30:22-30. Oil is purely one element, but an ointment is a compound…Today in the New Testament the Spirit is the compounded Spirit to be the anointing ointment.

In order to experience Christ’s death in Romans 6, we must enter into the experience of the Spirit in Romans 8. We can experience Christ’s death only in the Spirit…The death of Christ is in the Spirit…The reality of resurrection is the Spirit.

The compound ointment spoken of in Exodus 30…[is a] type [that] reveals that the compound anointing Spirit is compounded with the unique God, as the base, as the divinity of Christ, typified by the one hin of olive oil (v. 24b). (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 145, 147)

Today’s Reading

The compound anointing Spirit is compounded with God’s Divine Trinity, typified by the three units of five hundred shekels of the spices (Exo. 30:23- 24a). The middle unit of five hundred shekels was split into two units of two hundred fifty shekels each. This signifies that the second of the Divine Trinity was split, crucified, on the cross.

The compound anointing Spirit is also compounded with Christ’s humanity, typified by the four kinds of spices. The Spirit is compounded with Christ’s death and its killing effectiveness, typified by myrrh and cinnamon (v. 23a). Christ’s resurrection and its repelling power, typified by calamus and cassia (vv. 23b-24a), are also elements of the compound anointing Spirit. Calamus is a reed shooting up into the air out of a marsh or a muddy place. Thus, it signifies the rising up of the Lord Jesus from the place of death. Cassia in ancient times was used as a repellent to drive away insects and snakes. Thus, it signifies the repelling power of Christ’s  resurrection.

All the above elements compounded together create an ointment for the anointing of all the things and persons related to the worship of God (vv. 25- 30; 2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27).

In the New Testament we see the compound anointing Spirit operating as the Holy Spirit to seal the believers of Christ (Eph. 1:13; 4:30b; 2 Cor. 1:22a). To seal means to anoint…The Spirit is a living seal that saturates us with the divine element. We have to pray, “Lord, don’t just seal me once, but saturate me all the time. I need Your sealing; I need Your saturating.” When we live by the Spirit, we have the sense that something within us is saturating us, and that saturating is the continuous sealing. This sealing dispenses the divine element of the processed Triune God into the believers and saturates them with it. It also transforms the believers into the inheritance of God (Eph. 1:11).

The Lord Spirit is a compound title (2 Cor. 3:18) referring to the pneumatic Christ…The pneumatic Christ refers to Christ as the Spirit. Christ and the Spirit are not separately two; They are one. The Lord Spirit is the pneumatic Christ.

The Lord Spirit, the pneumatic Christ, is for the metabolic transformation of the believers into the Lord’s image, from one degree of glory to a higher degree of glory…Such transformation takes place by the renewing of the mind…, and this is for the growth and the building up of the Body of Christ. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 147-148, 137)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1990, vol. 1, “The Spirit,” ch. 2; CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” ch. 4




