
第五週 活在神的主宰權柄之下並照着神的憐憫而活




壹 我們要看見神主宰權柄的異象,這是很重要的—但四33435,羅九1823

一 主宰的權柄是指神無限的權柄、能力和地位—啟四11,五13

1 神是主宰一切者,祂在一切之上,在一切背後,也在一切之中—王上二二19

2 神有完全的能力,能照着祂的心願,並照着祂永遠的經綸,完成祂所要的—但四3435,弗一45911

二 羅馬九章十九至二十三節說到神的主宰權柄:

1 『有誰抗拒祂的旨意?人哪,你是誰,竟向神頂嘴?被塑造者豈能對塑造他者說,你為甚麼這樣造我?』—19節下20節:

a 我們都必須領悟我們是誰;我們是神的造物,祂是我們的創造者—賽四二5

b 我們是祂的造物,不該抗拒祂的定旨,或向祂這創造者頂嘴—羅九20

2 『窯匠難道沒有權柄,從同一團泥裏,拿一塊作成貴重的器皿,又拿一塊作成卑賤的器皿麼?』—21節:

a 神是窯匠,我們是祂手中的泥;神這位窯匠是主宰一切的—耶十八16

b 我們的神是窯匠,對我們有完全的權利;祂對我們,有權利作祂所喜歡的—賽二九16,六四8

c 神若願意,就能將一個器皿作成貴重的,又將另一個器皿作成卑賤的—羅九21

3 羅馬九章二十一至二十三節啟示,神照着祂的豫定,主宰的將我們造成祂的容器—林後四7,提後二2021,弗一511

a 神這窯匠造出蒙憐憫的器皿來盛裝祂自己,藉以彰顯祂榮耀的豐富,這乃是出於祂的主宰權柄—羅九23

b 作貴重的器皿不是我們選擇的結果,乃是起源於神的主宰權柄— 21節。

c 神的主宰權柄是祂揀選的基礎;祂的揀選在於祂的主宰權柄—1118節,十一528

4 『且要在那些蒙憐憫、早豫備得榮耀的器皿上,彰顯祂榮耀的豐富』—九23

a 神在祂的主宰裏,有權柄將祂所揀選並呼召的人,作成蒙憐憫的器皿以盛裝祂,使祂的榮耀得顯明—11182324節。

b 照着祂的主宰權柄,祂已豫備我們得榮耀—23節。

【週 三】

貳 『「我要向誰施憐憫,就向誰施憐憫;…」這樣看來,這不在於那定意的,也不在於那奔跑的,只在於那施憐憫的神』—15節上,16節:

一 憐憫是神的屬性中搆得最遠的,比祂的恩典和愛搆得更遠—太九13

1 按我們天然的光景,我們離神太遠,完全不配得祂的恩典;我們只適合接受祂的憐憫—弗二4

2 人的不信從給神的憐憫機會,神的憐憫就將救恩帶給人—羅十一32

二 我們的觀念是:那定意的會得着他所定意要得着的,那奔跑的會得着他所追求的—九16

1 若是如此,神的揀選就是照着我們的努力和勞苦了。

2 反之,神的揀選是出於施憐憫的神;我們不需要定意或奔跑,因為神憐憫我們。

3 我們若認識神的憐憫,就不會信靠自己的努力,也不會因自己的失敗而失望;我們可憐光景的盼望,是在於神的憐憫—弗二4


三 我們若要在神新約的經綸裏事奉神,就需要認識這完全在於神主宰的憐憫—羅九1516,來四16

1 我們若認識神的主宰權柄,就會為着祂的憐憫感謝祂,領悟我們乃是在祂主宰的憐憫之下—羅九15

a 『主宰的憐憫』一辭,意思是神的憐憫完全在於神主宰的權柄。

b 作蒙憐憫的器皿不是我們選擇的結果,乃是起源於神的主宰權柄—18節。

c 神對我們的憐憫是在於祂主宰的權柄;要解釋神對我們的憐憫,我們只能說這是在於祂主宰的權柄,祂已選擇要向我們施憐憫—151623節。

2 在神主宰的憐憫裏,我們的心傾向於祂;因着祂給我們的憐憫,我們天天尋求祂—耶二九13,申四29,賽五五6

3 我們越看見與我們有關的每件事都在於神的憐憫,就會越在主面前背負我們的責任;然而,甚至我們樂意背負責任也是出於神的憐憫。

4 因着神的憐憫,我們對福音有反應而別人沒有反應,我們接受關於基督是生命的話而別人拒絕接受,我們走主恢復的路而別人退後不走這條路。

5 就着神的恢復來說,神向祂所要施憐憫的人施了憐憫。

【週 六】

四 羅馬九章所啟示的原則乃是,一切皆在於神的憐憫—1516節:

1 使徒保羅把這原則應用在以色列人身上,叫我們看見一切發生在以色列人身上的事,都是出於神的憐憫—1623節。

2 我們總得有一次看見神的憐憫,並且確定的碰見神的憐憫—弗二4,太九13

a 對於這件事,我們最少需要有一次眼睛得開而看見;起碼要有一次看見一切在於神的憐憫。

b 不論我們是一次的看見,或是經過一段過程的看見,當我們摸到這件事,就會摸着一個事實,不是一個感覺;這事實就是:一切皆在於神的憐憫。

Week Five

Living under the Sovereignty of God and according to the Mercy of God

Scripture Reading: Rev. 4:11; Dan. 4:3, 34-35; Rom. 9:15-16, 18-23; Heb. 4:16

§ Day 1 & Day 2

I. It is crucial that we see a vision of God's sovereignty—Dan. 4:3, 34-35; Rom. 9:18-23:

A. Sovereignty refers to God's unlimited authority, power, and position— Rev. 4:11; 5:13:

1. As the sovereign One, God is above everything, behind everything, and in everything—
1 Kings 22:19.

2. God has the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy—Dan. 4:34-35; Eph. 1:4-5, 9-11.

B. Romans 9:19-23 refers to God's sovereignty:

1. "For who withstands His will? But rather, O man, who are you who answer back to God? Shall the thing molded say to him who molded it, Why did you make me thus?"—vv. 19b-20:

a. We need to realize who we are: we are God's creatures, and He is our Creator—Isa. 42:5.

b. As His creatures, we should not resist His purpose or answer back to Him, the Creator—Rom. 9:20.

2. "Does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?"—v. 21:

a. God is the Potter, and we are the clay in His hand; God, the Potter, is sovereign—Jer. 18:1-6.

b. As the Potter, our God has the absolute right over us; regarding us, He has the right to do whatever He desires—Isa. 29:16; 64:8.

c. If God wills, He can make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor—Rom. 9:21.

3. Romans 9:21-23 reveals that God sovereignly created us to be His containers, according to His predestination—2 Cor. 4:7; 2 Tim. 2:20-21; Eph. 1:5, 11:

a. It is of God's sovereignty that He, the Potter, makes the riches of His glory known by creating vessels of mercy to contain Himself—Rom. 9:23.

b. Being vessels unto honor is not the result of our choice; it originates with God's sovereignty—v. 21.

c. God's sovereignty is the basis of His selection; His selection depends on His sovereignty—vv. 11, 18; 11:5, 28.

4. "In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory"—9:23:

a. In His sovereignty God has the authority to make the ones He has selected and called
vessels of mercy to contain Him in order that His glory might be manifested—vv. 11, 18, 23-24.

b. According to His sovereign authority, He has prepared us unto glory—v. 23.

§ Day 3

II. "'I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy'…So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy"—vv. 15a, 16:

A. Mercy is the most far reaching of God's attributes, going further than His grace and love—Matt. 9:13:

1. According to our natural condition, we were far removed from God, totally unworthy of His grace; we were eligible only to receive His mercy—Eph. 2:4.

2. Man's disobedience affords God's mercy an opportunity, and God's mercy brings man to salvation—Rom. 11:32.

B. Our concept is that the one who wills will gain what he wills to obtain and that the one who runs will gain what he runs after—9:16:

1. If this were the case, God's selection would be according to our effort and labor.

2. On the contrary, God's selection is of God who shows mercy; we do not need to will or to run, for God has mercy on us.

3. If we know God's mercy, we will neither trust in our effort nor be disappointed by our failures; the hope for our wretched condition is in God's mercy—Eph. 2:4.

§ Day 4 & Day 5

C. If we would serve God in His New Testament economy, we need to know that it is wholly a matter of God's sovereign mercy—Rom. 9:15-16; Heb. 4:16:

1. If we know God's sovereignty, we will thank Him for His mercy, realizing that we are
under His sovereign mercy—Rom. 9:15:

a. The expression sovereign mercy means that God's mercy is absolutely a matter of God's sovereignty.

b. Being a vessel of mercy is not the result of our choice; it originates with God's sovereignty—v. 18.

c. God's mercy to us is in His sovereignty; the only thing we can say to explain God's mercy to us is that in His sovereignty, He has chosen to be merciful to us—vv. 15- 16, 23.

2. In God's sovereign mercy, our hearts are inclined toward Him; because of His mercy to
us, we seek Him day by day—Jer. 29:13; Deut. 4:29; Isa. 55:6.

3. The more we see that everything related to us is a matter of God's mercy, the more we will bear our responsibility before the Lord; however, even our willingness to bear responsibility is of God's mercy.

4. Because of God's mercy, we responded to the gospel when others did not respond, we
received a word about Christ as life when others refused to receive it, and we took the way of the Lord's recovery when others drew back from taking this way.

5. Regarding His recovery, God has mercy on whom He will have mercy.

§ Day 6

D. Romans 9 reveals the principle that everything depends on God's mercy— vv. 15-16:

1. The apostle Paul applied this principle to the Israelites, showing us that everything that
happened to them was of God's mercy—vv. 16, 23.

2. There must be at least one time when we see God's mercy and definitely touch His mercy—Eph. 2:4; Matt. 9:13:

a. Concerning this matter, our eyes need to be opened at least once; there must be at least
one time when we see that everything depends on God's mercy.

b. Whether we see this all at once, or we realize it through a process, the minute we touch
this matter, we touch not a feeling but a fact; this fact is that everything depends on God's mercy.




